The ones I have listed as Source Files are the ones I keep under version control. If I modify this I treat it as as source file. sdc: Constraints generated by the tools (e.g.Constraints such as pinout, I/O standards. pdc: Source file - keep under version control.
pdb: Actel Designer physical database essentially the finished bitfile.adb: Actel Designer database, stores the compiled design for P&R.Project file stores Libero settings for a project prj: Source file - keep under version control.Some are part of the auto-generated SmartDesign, passing info to the embedded software tools.
#.pdc file extension archive
Archive to permit recreation of DirectCore components.
sdb: Source file - keep under version control. Optionally generated from a menu item in Designer. map: lets you know the location of the Logic inside the FPGA. log: log file from configured generated cores. gen: Output netlist file from the generated cores. sdb allow SmartDesign to recreate the DirectCore components via its "Generate Design" command. cxf: SmartDesign core configuration file.
cfg: This captures information about the settings that were specified for the system. vec file, which is read and executed by a testbench instantiating their VHDL BFM models. Bus Functional Model script which you write in their ad-hoc language, compile into a. bfm: Source file - keep under version control. there are quite a few I don't know, and Libero has decided to segfault when I start it tonight.